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coronavirus (Kovid-19) will not forgive mankind
In Europe, deaths will increase, which will increase the course of the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) epidemic.
people suffering from coronavirus (Kovid-19) should not think that they have survived 2021.1 months 3 in the cold winter this disease will trigger and many of these patients will die
many of those with coronavirus (Kovid-19) disease will die in the second waves between 2021.1 months and 3 months
coronavirus (Kovid-19) patients certainly do not have relationships with their family and do not have children children who will be in the family, many of whom will be mentally disabled coronavirus (Kovid-19) also leaves damage to the body.
coronavirus (Kovid-19) disease will disappear after 5 years, and after that, families will get their hands on the child event, or the symptoms of the disease will occur in the children of many families
Everyone’s hiding it so they don’t panic, but these are the facts.
This is how a new world order will be established in the world
Those who are in many prisons around the world are spreading the disease those who have coronavirus (Kovid-19) will die here, and no one will be able to prevent this disease
coronavirus (Kovid-19) will leave the world after 5 years if the countries of the world do good work at this time, it can save the rest of the human generation if the deaths in countries that do not do good work will be large
2021.1 let the countries of the world and Europe pay attention to the 3 months of the month there will be folding deaths as well as very large folding deaths
Many countries around the world hide deaths in terms of trade deaths are higher among countries around the world
I wrote this disease before this disease came into the world, I dreamed that I was jumping over dead people, and I saw it in Russia and the cell, and when I came out of this event, I told both the article and all the authorities, but they didn’t believe it, they said crazy
coronavirus (Kovid-19) will remain on Earth for a long time, let all human beings take precautions according to it
Dünyada ve Avrupa’da koronavirüs kâbusu kışın olacak 2021.1 ayın 3 ay arası ölümler. Her gün ayrı ülkelerde 500 bulacak